We Are Looking for Talent Heroes
Feel Happy to Work With Us
Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding career that enables you to advance your skills, talent and career objectives? Do you have what it takes to excel in the dynamic, fast-paced work environment of an industry leader? Aglow, welcome aboard the people who could fly with our dreams. If you would like to join our team, Please do send in your resumes to: [email protected]
About Us
Ganador General Trading Limited Liability Company is a member of Al shamali Group of companies headed by leading business group owned by Mr. Mohd. Al Shamali in Dubai and Middle East. General Trading Division is being fully managed by Top Professional under the leadership of Mr. Sasikumar R. Nambiar, a professional from finance and accounts having vast experience in the General Trading and corporate industry for the past Three decades in the Gulf and in India.